Items, weapons and armor made from non-traditional materials has been a hallmark of every fantasy game and movie since the dawn of...well...fantasy games and movies. Conan's Starmetal Sword, the Amber Sword at World's End, Dragon-scaled Shields, there can most certainly be an exhaustive list created for those so inclined. Presented here are two special materials that see use on the World of Onn - Etherite and Astrillium.
Etherite is a rare, light grey metal found when the boundary between the Ethereal Plane and the mortal realm weakens deep underground. The iron ore in the affected area is mutated in some manner and takes on quasi-magical properties. Weapons made of Etherite consider 1 point of their damage to be magical damage while armor negates 1 point of purely magical damage from a magical-based attack (such as magic missile or a magical weapon). Other types of items can be made from Etherite as well, with any special effects being determined by the Referee. Enchanting Etherite items only require half the time since they take enchantments so easily.
Etherite items cost 20x more than normal to manufacture.
Astrillium is created similarly to Etherite - in places where the mortal realms and the Astral become close, the minerals are especially receptive to the energies of the Astral and mutate into Astrillium, a crystalline mass as hard as diamond and flexible as steel. Weapons made from Astrillium consider one point of their damage to be psychic damage while armor infused with it negates 1 point of psychic damage. Other types of items can be made from Astrillium as well, with any special effects being determined by the Referee. Astrillium is difficult to enchant, requiring twice the time as magic simply will not easily take to the crystal, while infusing psychic power into an Astrillium item takes but half the required time.
Astrillium items cost 20x more than normal to manufacture.
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