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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Multiclassing in Onn

Here's a simple set of multiclassing rules that has drawn on B/X and its race as class rules.

Characters with a 15 or greater in more than 1 classes’ Prime Attribute score have the ability to perform in more than one class at a time, due to natural talent in the diverse training they require. These types of characters are called Multiclassed Characters. Characters begin play as a multiclassed character at 1st level.

Multiclassed characters have their own experience chart and hit dice progression. When a multiclassed character earns enough experience, he advances in level in both of his classes at the same time. When a multiclassed character reaches his level limit in any of his classes, he ceases to advance in that class but continues to advance in the other.

Multiclassed characters use the best attack rolls table allowed to his classes and levels. These characters also use the best saving throws allowed by virtue of all his classes and current levels.

The armor and weapon restrictions of a multiclass character are at the referee's discretion. In general the most restrictive weapon restrictions are used for religious (Cleric and Druid) characters, while multiclassed Magic-user classes can make use of any other classes’ weapons, but are restricted to no armor use. What classes can be combined are up to each referee's campaign.

There are 2 exceptions to this rule:

·         Multiclass elven Magic-users can wear magical Light armor without any restriction to spellcasting ability.

·         Multiclass gnomish Illusionists can wear magical Light armor without any restriction to spellcasting ability.

Multiclass Charcter XP Chart
1 (1d6)0
2 (2d6)3,000
3 (3d6)6,000
4 (4d6)9,000
5 (-)12,000
6 (5d6)25,000
7 (6d6)50,000
8 (7d6)75,000
9 (-)150,000
10 (8d6)300,000
11 (-)450,000
12 (9d6)600,000
13 (-)750,000
14 (-)900,000
15 (10d6)1,050,000

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